Thursday, July 23, 2015

Almond Milk

Entah kenapa, dari kemarin kepingin banget minum almond atau cashew milk. Padahal belum pernah sama sekali. Akhirnya setelah melewati beberapa pertimbangan, pilihan jatuh ke almond milk. Jadilah beli di Re Juve lewat go jek. Harga per botol isi 425ml Rp. 50,000 +  Rp. 10,000 buat ongkos go jek. 

Nggak lama, pesenan saya pun tiba. Sebotol almond milk dingin ada di dalem paper bag yang menurut saya sih terlalu besar banget ukurannya. Harusnya Re Juve sediain paper bag ukuran mini juga yang cukup untuk 1 atau 2 botol.

Warnanya sih lucu. Creamy gitu. Tapi waktu mau coba untuk minum dari botolnya, wuiihhh baunya agak langu walaupun nggak selangu baunya soy milk. Hmmm....sempat jeda sejenak sebelum nerusin minum. Dan daripada kena baunya lagi, saya tuang dulu ke gelas. Tegukan pertama cukup bikin kaget. Nggak terlalu manis dan teksturnya nutty. Masih terasa remahan almondnya. Karena saya bukan penggemar susu, butuh proses di lidah dan otak untuk bisa sinkron. Baru setelah tegukan ke 4, mulai bisa ngerasain enaknya.

Sebelum pesen, sempat browsing manfaatnya almond milk ini.

  • Lower caloric content compared to dairy milk;
  • No cholesterol or saturated fat as well as low sodium content;
  • High calcium levels, which may reduce the risk of developing arthritis and osteoporosis;
  • 50 percent recommended daily value of vitamin E;
  • Low glycemic index, reducing risk of diabetes, and
  • No lactose, making it suitable for lactose intolerant people

  • Mungkin besok-besok mau cobain cashew milk :)

    Saturday, July 11, 2015

    Kang Gary

    Okay, first of all this Kang is not as in 'akang' in Sundanese but instead a Korean surname. And yup...I am a new fan of this man. 

    I knew him from a variety show called Running Man which then took me to his hip hop duo - Leessang where he takes part as the rapper. He also wrote all lyrics. Some of his songs are now listed on my playlist as my daily companion.

    What I most admire from him is the way he splits himself between Gary as a member of Running Man team and Gary as a musician. Gary in Running Man is playful, witty, cheesy in terms of his Monday Couple scene, has a great sense of humor, not too ambitious but whenever necessary or when it comes to individual race, he can give all his strength and brain. While as a musician, I can see his passion thru his live performance on youtube. 

    He shares his life and love story thru his songs. Pursuit of Happiness and Remembrance for example. I can feel his pain, his love, his pressure but apart from that, his courage to live to the fullest. His love for his mom - he listened to her words to not to get into fight and when she told him that he can do variety show, he decided to take the offer. And not to mention, the way he adored his ex on You're The Answer To Guy Like Me. Sweet.

    Pursuit of Happiness
    English verson - credit to

    After waking up at 3pm, my body is heavy – I did a lot last night
    Recorded for 20 hours, haven’t really eaten properly and my insides are burning but
    It’s okay, the track turned out well – my passion that I poured out in this tiny space
    Soon it will bring me fame and money, as it always has
    So I can’t rest, not a day, not a minute – if a great song is produced,
    Even if my body wastes away, I don’t care, even if I get a mental disease
    If a good track is produced, I don’t care if I go crazy
    The legend of this era, the acknowledgement of everyone, the “Big Brother” of music -
    These words are far away from me but I scrunch up and write lyrics all night
    I open my own door of happiness

    On my pursuit of happiness, I flew for a long time
    So all the shrunken things can put on a smile
    On my pursuit of happiness, I endured for a long time
    So that someday, everything will shine

    Even if sometimes, everything disappears like the beginning (disappears)
    Even if everything of me seems pathetic (someday)
    While watching Gil, who appeared on variety programs before me,
    My mother was envious and asked “Why don’t you do it with him?”
    I still remember her eyes, filled with concern that she might hurt my feelings
    I’m over thirty years old but in front of my mother, I’m still a child
    Maybe that was the biggest reason why I chose to do variety shows
    Now my heart is at rest, people tell me how much I’ve grown
    Yes, some people may bash me but my parents are happy, that’s all that matters
    What more do I need? I’m always an island outside my house
    I won’t forget the pride of my parents and engrave it in my heart
    Whenever I go home, I see the shoes I bought them are still new
    Please stop saving them up and just wear them, open the door of happiness

    On my pursuit of happiness, I flew for a long time
    So all the shrunken things can put on a smile
    On my pursuit of happiness, I endured for a long time
    So that someday, everything will shine

    Even if sometimes, everything disappears like the beginning (disappears)
    Even if everything of me seems pathetic (someday)

    In this marathon called life, our paths might be different and even if we live insufficiently
    We live with the fun of filling it up and though there’s a lof of hardships,
    Get to know the taste of enduring it and take one more step
    “Why is my life like this?” Those words are just excuses
    Don’t give up so easily on this game called life
    So when you close your eyes in this world, you can open your last door of happiness without any regrets

    On my pursuit of happiness, I flew for a long time
    So all the shrunken things can put on a smile
    On my pursuit of happiness, I endured for a long time
    So that someday, everything will shine

    Monday, July 06, 2015

    What Is In The Name

    “What's in a name? that which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet.”

    Selama ini nggak pernah tahu arti nama saya selain sama seperti nama kitab di Perjanjian Lama. Dan nggak berusaha untuk cari tahu juga. Sampai akhirnya Jumat malam kemarin waktu ikut persiapan ngajar Sunday School karena topiknya tentang ratu Ester.
    Dalam bahasa Persia, Ester artinya bintang. Wuihhh....nggak nyangka sama sekali. Itukah sebabnya saya suka lihatin awan? *cari korelasi antara awan sama bintang*. Sedangkan dalam bahasa Yahudi padanan katanya adalah Hadasa yang artinya pohon murad. Pohon murad adalah tanaman Palestina yang tingginya bisa mencapai 10m sementara daun dan bunganya bisa untuk bahan wangi-wangian.
    Dan saya beneran terkesima bin takjub waktu tahu artinya. Karena sejujurnya, saya nggak begitu suka sama nama depan saya. Entahlah...mungkin karena cara orang manggil atau pemenggalan katanya yang terasa nggak pernah pas. Itu sebabnya dari jaman SD dulu saya berharap orang panggil saya dengan 3 huruf terakhir dari nama kedua dan itu baru kejadian pas kuliah.
    Di dokumen penting, ada 2 versi penulisan nama saya. Ada dokumen yang nulisnya Esther Octavia (kalau nggak salah di surat baptis) sementara di dokumen lain tertera Ester Oktavia. Versi yang pertama sempat dipakai selama SD sebelum akhirnya ganti ke versi kedua. Lupa alasannya. Dan yang bener yang mana pun nggak tahu karena mama juga lupa :).
    Ini hasil copy paste dari wikipedia:

    Origin and meaning of the name Esther

    It has been conjectured that the name Esther is derived from a reconstructed Median word astra meaning myrtle.[7]
    An alternative view is that Esther is derived from the theonym Ishtar. The Book of Daniel provides accounts of Jews in exile being assigned names relating to Babylonian gods and "Mordecai" is understood to mean servant of Marduk, a Babylonian god. "Esther" may have been a different Hebrew interpretation from the Proto-Semitic root "star/'morning/evening star'",[8] which descended with the /th/ into the Ugaritic Athtiratu[9] and Arabian Athtar.[10] The derivation must then have been secondary for the initial ayin to be confused with an aleph (both represented by vowels in Akkadian), and the second consonant descended as a /s/ (like in the Aramaic asthr "bright star"), rather than a /sh/ as in Hebrew and most commonly in Akkadian.
    Wilson, who identified Ahasuerus with Xerxes I and Vashti with Amestris, suggested that both "Amestris" and "Esther" derived from Akkadian Ammi-Ishtar or Ummi-Ishtar.[11] Hoschander alternatively suggested Ishtar-udda-sha ("Ishtar is her light") as the origin with the possibility of -udda-sha being connected with the similarly sounding Hebrew name Hadassah. These names however remain unattested in sources, and come from the original Babylonian Empire from 2000 BCE,[citation needed] not the Chaldean Empire or Persian Empire of the Book of Esther.[citation needed]
    The Targum[12] connects the name with the Persian word for "star", ستاره setareh, explaining that Esther was so named for being as beautiful as the Morning Star. In the Talmud (Tractate Yoma 29a), Esther is compared to the "morning star", and is considered the subject of Psalm 22, because its introduction is a "song for the morning star".
    Crepe Myrtle - salah satu jenis pohon murad/myrtle
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